Hot lunch is available Monday through Thursday for $6 per meal.
No hot lunch is offered on Fridays, as school dismisses at noon.
Payments can be made in advance or charged to your account.
Sack Lunches
Microwaves are not available for students in grades K-4. Students in grades 5-8 are limited to 60 seconds or less of microwave use.
Snack foods may be eaten during lunch or during a snack break. Students are not allowed to share their snack due to possible allergies.
Mondays – Haystacks (Fritos, Beans, Cheese, Tomatoes, Olives, Lettuce, Avocadoes, Sour Cream, & Salsa)
Tuesdays – Bean or Bean and Veggi burrito (all the toppings listed above) with sides of Salsa, Sour Cream, Chips, and a Veggie
Wednesdays – Pancakes, Veggi Breakfast Sausages, Tater Tots, Fruit
Thursdays – Spaghetti, Marinera Sauce, Broccoli, Garlic Bread
*All meals served at HMS Richards are vegetarian
Thank you to our HMS Hot Lunch Heroes for making lunch for us every day!