
Attendance at school is critical to the success of the student. There is often a correlation between attendance and academic performance. Lectures, discussions, and activities are carefully planned by the teacher to enhance lessons and book work. Sometimes work can be made up, but the student may be unable to recover all that was lost on a particular school day when he or she is absent.

Mid-America Union Code states that each student is expected to attend school punctually and regularly. Attendance will be taken at 8:00 am, when school begins. Students are encouraged to arrive by 7:50 am, so they are ready to start on time. If your student is tardy or absent, excused, or unexcused, a phone call to the school should be made before 8:00 the morning of the absence. Students arriving late must sign in at the administrative office when they arrive. Students leaving early must sign out at the administrative office.

The student/parent responsibilities for school are:

  • Student attends school for all days of the established school calendar.
  • Student appears in class on time, prepared for academic endeavor.
  • Student must participate in his/her P.E. class unless he/she has a doctor’s note stating otherwise.
  • Student contacts teacher immediately upon return form absences to arrange to complete all makeup work assigned to establish when this makeup work is due. Work may be required to be completed and submitted in advance if a planned absence at the discretion of the teacher.

Excused absences include illness of the student, attendance at a funeral, court appointments, and unavoidable doctors’ appointments. To be excused for scheduled doctors’ appointments, or other pre-arranged absences, a student should obtain a Planned Absence Request form from the administrative office. After having that form signed by each of his/her teachers and parents, the student should return the form to the administrative office. Permission should be arranged before commitments are made and/or plane tickets are purchased.

An approved excuse for an absence does not relieve the student of the duty of meeting the teachers’ requirements or the schoolwork missed. Routine dental or medical treatment should be arranged outside of school hours. Vacations and family outings are unexcused absences; please try to plan these events during school breaks. A parent may be asked to meet with staff if absences or tardiness become excessive.

Any student electing to miss a performance responsibility without approval of the Administration will receive a zero for the performance.

Notation will be made on report cards when students are habitually tardy (4+ times per month or 10+ times per year.)

Prearranced Absence PDF