Adventist Education offers more than academic knowledge. It promotes a balanced development of the whole child – spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially. An education in which time dimensions span eternity.
Academics at HMS follow our Mission statement.
To journey toward academic excellence
To nurture thinkers, rather than mere reflectors of other’s thoughts
To encourage a relationship with Jesus, the source of all that is true, good and beautiful
To seek a life of faith in God
To respect the dignity of all human beings
To build character like our Creator through daily inclusion of our CHERISH core values
To promote loving service rather than selfish ambition
To reach our community
To make real-life connections to learn
As we continue to provide a safe academic environment, teachers are exploring ways to give authentic learning experiences and help students self-navigate to become better learners. We believe that education must provide purpose, joy, and the opportunity to serve others.
“For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it.” Ecclesiastes 7:12 ESV
Academic Explanation
Curriculum – K-8
HMS Richards Adventist School follows the education curriculum recommendations of the Rocky Mountain Conference, Mid-America Union Conference, and the North America Division of Seventh-day Adventists. For standards, links, resources, and a complete list of curricula, go to
HMS has adopted a Standards Based Learning (SBL) approach as a system of instruction and assessment. Teachers use a variety of supplemental curriculum to meet standards and different learning styles. For more information about SBL and classroom curriculum, please see your child’s teacher.
- K-6: Big Ideas Math
- Grades 7-8: Saxon Math
Language Arts
- Kindergarten: Stepping Stones
- Grades 1-8: Pathways
- K-4: Unlocking the Reading Code
- Kindergarten: Stepping Stones
- Grades 1-8: By Design
Social Studies
- K-8: Unit based
- Grades 1-4: McGraw-Hill
- Grades 5-8: Prentice Hall & Scott Foresman
- For all grades, art is teacher led. Creativity and self-expression are encouraged through different media.
A generalized music program overview of vocal and instrumental music K-8.
Current schedule: Tuesday and Thursday – 30 minutes per classroom
- Grades K-2 instrumental experience: Boomwackers, tone bells.
- Grades 3-4 instrumental experience: Recorder Karate.
- Grades 5-6 instrumental experience: Percussion (drumsticks) and introduction to Handbells.
- Grades 7-8 instrumental experience: Handbells.
All levels will
- Be introduced to music theory (notation, rhythm, chords).
- Will participate in singing (memorization, languages, part singing).
- Participate in performance.
Musical performances, including church services, are required and are part of your student’s grade.
Missed classes and performances cannot be made up.
Physical Education
- Each teacher facilities PE and encourages a healthy, active lifestyle. PE is taught 2-3 days per week in addition to having daily recess time.
MAP Growth
- MAP is a standardized computer-adaptive assessment that measures growth and mastery for each student K-12.
- MAP Growth includes Reading, Language Usage, Math, Subject Specific Secondary Math (Algebra I, II, Geometry and Integrated Math I, II, III) and Science
- Three interim assessments per year (Fall, Winter, Spring) to guide and track learning
- It can be used as a formative and interim assessment to inform instruction and increase proficiency.
- Aligns with multiple standards (NAD, ACT, SAT, CCSS and NGSS)
- Adventist national norms available
WRAT (Wide Range Achievement Test)
- The WRAT provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and math skills in people aged 5-85+, helps identify possible learning disabilities, and helps with grade placement for new students. It measures word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and math computation.
- Required for all new students as part of admission.
- Schedule academic grade readiness admission test.
DIBELS 8th Edition K-8 (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)
- A set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of literacy skills. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures that can be issued to regularly detect risk and monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills in Kindergarten through Eighth grade.
- Three interim assessments per year (Fall, Winter, Spring) to guide and track learning.
Report Card Grading Scale
Grade Kindergarten Marking Codes
Performance Key
- I = Achieves objectives and performs skills independently
- P = Progressing toward achieving objectives and skills
- NT = Needs more time to develop
- BLANK = Indicates skill was not addressed in this marking period.
- NOT EVALUATED = Grayed out indicates skill was not addressed and/or evaluated at this time.
Grades 1 – 2 Marking Codes
Summative Grades
- I = Achieves objectives and performs skills independently
- P = Progressing toward achieving objectives and skills
- NT = Needs more time to develop
Domain Levels of Proficiency
- 4 = Exceeds: I understand, I can teach a friend. I can even show you more.
- 3 = Proficient: I understand and can do it by myself.
- 2 = Developing: I understand some and can get started, but I’m a little confused.
- 1 = Novice: I don’t understand. I can’t start without help.
Instructional Level
- X = Student is working with enrichment materials and/or accelerated instruction
- Y = Student is using grade level materials and functioning without modification or extra assistance.
- Z = Student is receiving modification of assignments, materials, and/or special assistance
Social Development/Work Ethic
- O = Outstanding
- S = Satisfactory
- N = Needs improvement
Grades 3-8 Marking Codes
Summative Grades
A+ – A- (100%-90%) = Excels in understanding content and applying concepts
B+ – B- (89%-80%) = Masters most content and skills
C+ – C- (79%-70%) = Demonstrates basic understanding of the concepts and skills
D+ – D- (69%-60%) = Understanding of concepts and skills is limited and incomplete
F (59%-below) = Shows an unacceptable level of understanding and/or effort
Domain Levels of Proficiency
- 4 = Exceeds: I understand, I can teach a friend. I can even show you more.
- 3 = Proficient: I understand and can do it by myself.
- 2 = Developing: I understand some and can get started, but I’m a little confused.
- 1 = Novice: I don’t understand. I can’t start without help.
Instructional Level
- X = Student is working with enrichment materials and/or accelerated instruction
- Y = Student is using grade level materials and functioning without modification or extra assistance.
- Z = Student is receiving modification of assignments, materials, and/or special assistance
Social Development/Work Ethic
- O = Outstanding
- S = Satisfactory
N = Needs improvement