
Illness Protocol

Your child’s health is important to us. Hand washing is a MUST after using the bathroom, before/after snack, and after coughing and sneezing. The school uses reasonable precautions to ensure a healthy environment.

To safeguard the health of your child and the other children, please keep your child at home if any of the following symptoms are observed:

  • Any contagious condition such as fever (temperature over100.4 degrees), rash, pink eye, diarrhea, or vomiting. Students must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. A doctor’s note is required for admittance after a rash or pink eye.
  • Active head lice. Students will be sent home for treatment and will only be re-admitted when there is no further evidence of live lice. Nits must be removed, or at minimum, be one inch away from scalp.
  • Communicable disease symptoms or exposure. If enrolled children and/or immediate family members are exposed to diseases such as hepatitis, measles, mumps, meningitis, diphtheria, rubella, salmonella, giardia, chickenpox, shingles, or TB, the exposure must be reported to the school office. The school nurse consultant will be notified and will give further instructions.
  • Excessive coughing.
  • Student is not rested and alert enough to pay attention in class.

If your child becomes sick during school hours, you will be notified, and they will be taken to the sick room where they will be made as comfortable as possible until you arrive.

Medications at School

It is recommended that medications be given at home! A registered nurse will train designated staff members to administer medications. This is in compliance with the Delegatory Clause of the Nurse Practice Act. If your child has any special allergies, emergency medication or special medical needs, please talk with the principal, administration, and school nurse to set up a plan of action prior to enrollment. If your child must take medication at school, by law, the details below must be followed:

  • Provide written permission (forms available at school) by BOTH the parent and student’s physician for BOTH prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Make sure all prescription medication has pharmacy label attached
  • All over-the-counter medication must be in the original box and have the students name on it
  • All medication must be delivered to the school office by the parent or guardian.
  • Medications must be stored in zip-lock bags containing all the necessary paperwork plus a photograph of your child. These bags are stored in locked cabinets out of the reach of children. Medications that need refrigeration are placed in a locked medication box in the school refrigerator that is also out of the reach of children
  • Students may not keep medications with them unless they have been identified as a self-manager, need immediate access to medication, have written parental and physician permission, and are cleared by the director, principal, and school nurse. Such students may only possess the amount needed for that school day
  • Sharing or borrowing is strictly prohibited and may result in loss of the privilege and serious discipline
  • Make sure the school has an adequate supply of all required medications.
  • Medication that is no longer needed or expired will be sent home with a parent or guardian

NOTE: Medication left at the end of the school year will be discarded properly.

Physical Examinations, Immunizations & Exemptions

Physical examination and updated immunization record, are required. You may use the forms below, or ask your pediatrician for their ‘school form.’ Exemption forms must be completed EVERY year and submitted BEFORE the first day of school, see the link below. Also note, that you must print a PDF of the exemption at the end of the module, or save it and email it to

General Health Appraisal

Medication Permissions

Immunization Exemption Module